Thursday, 3 December 2009

University of Western Australia, The


The University of Western Australia has helped to shape the careers of more than 75,000 graduates since it was established in 1911. UWA graduates have distinguished themselves across every sphere of endeavour, in Australia and the international arena. Their success reflects the UWA’s balanced coverage of disciplines in the arts, sciences and professions.
The University of Western Australia’s mission is to advance, transmit and sustain knowledge and understanding, through the conduct of teaching, research and scholarship at the highest international standards, for the benefit of the international and national communities and the State of Western Australia. Its enduring commitment is to improve society through learning and discovery.
UWA aims to be recognised internationally as an excellent research-intensive university and a leading intellectual and creative resource to the communities it serves.
It continues to build research and postgraduate strengths linked to, and sustained by, a high quality undergraduate program in which teaching and learning takes place in an atmosphere of research and scholarship.
The University fosters an international focus for all its activities and standards as an integral part of its overriding commitment to excellence and high quality.
Western Australia’s first university, UWA remains one of Australia’s best research-led universities.


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